Dr. Waluree Thongkam, NANOTEC NSTDA, was invited as a speaker at the NANOFORAGRI 2021 Conference via online platform.

Dr. Waluree Thongkam, Senior Technical Officer, Nano -Safety Alliance Section, National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) was invited to be a speaker on the topic of “Overview of recent Nanosafety activities for industry in Thailand” in Session IV: Regulatory Aspects of Nanotechnology of the NANOFORAGRI 2021 Conference. The conference was organized in the theme of “Technology readiness and overcoming regulatory barriers to implement nanotechnology – enabled agriculture for sustainable future” on 9 December 2021, 9.30 – 9.45 (India time).

The lecture on the topic “Overview of recent Nanosafety activities for industry in Thailand” can create awareness of Nanosafety in the industrial sectors of Thailand as well as strengthen cooperation with foreign alliance networks. The conference was held at Gurugram, India, along with an online platform and was attended by speakers from many countries, such as Italy, France, the Netherlands, etc.