Frontier Science Camp (Zone: North) – Exploring Nanotechnology

Dr. Nuttapun discuss nanotechnology with a participant

180 high school S&T teachers in Phitsanulok province jammed the main auditorium of Naresuan University on June 3 to participate in the Frontier Science Camp (Zone North) organized by the Office of the Permanent Secretary (Ministry of S&T) and research agencies within NSTDA.  The 3 days science camp (June 2-4) allows S&T teachers to participate in 4 topic areas: IT (NECTEC), Material Science (MTEC), Biology (BIOTEC), and Nanotechnology (NANOTEC).

The objectives of the science camp are to:

  • Build confidence in teachers’ ability to transfer knowledge in science
  • Develop a positive attitude toward science and technology
  • Learn skills used in the process of scientific investigation
  • Exchange S&T teaching methods in order to spice up their existing curriculum.

In the area of nanotechnology, Dr. Nuttapun Supaka, Head of Testing and Service Lab at NANOTEC gave an overview of nanotechnology and its application to everyday life. As a hands-on activity, Dr. Nuttaporn led the participants to understand the concept of water repellent fabric using Teflon as coating material.

The next Frontier Science Camp (Zone: South) is scheduled for June 23-24 in Surat Thani province.

hands-on activity to do water repellent fabric